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Activity Scheduler User Guide for Parents

The ‘Notify Me’ and ‘Subscribe’ Apps are some of the coolest features of the Activity Scheduler Calendar. The ‘Subscribe’ app will let you push schedules to your phone, tablet, or computer and they will automatically update with any changes. The ‘Notify Me’ app will let you sign up for instant notifications and reminders via email or text message.

NOTIFY ME! Automatic notifications and reminders In the ‘Notify Me’ app, you can set yourself up to receive schedule reminders for your chosen competitive and school only activities via email and/or text. To do so, on the main calendar screen, on the top left, click ‘Notify Me’. After which, you will be guided with 4 screens to sign up.

Screen 1 – Choose Competitive Activities (Conference and Non-Conference). Choose here the Conference and
Non-Conference Activities that you want to receive schedule notifications.

Screen 2 – Choose School Only Activities. Choose here the School-only Activities that you want to receive schedule notifications.

Screen 3 – Set up Notification Times. For your chosen activities from Screens 1 and 2, you may set up here the number of hours or days before each activity that you will receive the reminders, and if you want to be notified with schedule changes.

Screen 4 – Account Setup. You will set up here your account information including the email address and cell phone number to receive the notifications, and the username and password to log back in to your account.

Subscribe to Schedules
In the ‘Subscribe’ app, you would be able to subscribe to ‘All of Today’s Events’ or full schedules for any activity including future schedule updates. You can use Outlook, Google Calendar, iCal (for Mac users), RSS Reader, and Yahoo Reader.

To subscribe to ‘All of Today’s Events’, on the main calendar screen, click ‘Subscribe’, and then choose the calendar or reader you want to push the schedule to. The guided steps for each feed type are provided in the following pages.

To subscribe to activities’ ‘Full Schedules’, select first the activities in the ‘View Schedules’, and then click on the ‘View’ button. On the schedule page, on the top right, click ‘Schedule’, and then choose the calendar or reader you want to push the schedule to. The guided steps for each feed type are provided in the following pages.

After selecting Outlook as your data feed type, depending on your browser, it will download the data feed file to your computer, and then you need to open the file using Outlook.
If you are using Firefox, you will be asked with what application you will use to open the file with. Choose Outlook, automatically, the schedule will be added to your Outlook Calendar.

When you open your Outlook, and go to the Calendar section, you will already see the added schedules from the Activity Scheduler.

After selecting iCal as your data feed type, copy the URL and enter it to your iCal Calendar URL field, and then click on the ‘Subscribe’ button.

After which, you will see the calendar setting page. You can specify some settings here like ‘Auto-refresh’, Location, and Color. Once done, click ‘OK’.
Automatically, you will see that the added AS schedules.

Google Calendar
When you choose Google Calendar as your data feed type, you will be prompted with the instruction to follow.
1. On the instruction page, you will find the URL that you need to copy and paste to your Google Calendar.

2. In a new browser tab or window, go to your Google Calendar. If you are viewing your Gmail account, you can go to your Google Calendar by clicking on the ‘Apps’ icon, and then select ‘Google Calendar’.
3. In your Google Calendar, on the left, Click the dropdown menu next to Other Calendars and choose ‘Add by URL’.
4. Paste the copied URL into the URL field and click Add Calendar.
Yahoo Reader
After selecting Yahoo Reader as your data feed reader, you will be prompted with instructions, depending on your browser, on how go about subscribing to the feed.
If you are using Mozilla Firefox, you will be asked first what reader you will use to subscribe to the feed. In this case, if you have added your Yahoo Reader or ‘My Yahoo!’ to your computer, simply select it from the dropdown, and then click on the ‘Subscribe Now’ button.
Automatically, on your ‘My Yahoo’ page (https://my.yahoo.com/), ‘Add Content’ will pop out with the schedule. You will need to click on the ‘Add to My’ button, and then when you refresh your ‘My Yahoo’ page, the schedules from the Activity Scheduler program will appear.
For other RSS feed readers, you will also be prompted with instructions on how to proceed with the subscription.
You can subscribe to the RSS feed in a number of ways, including the following:
 Drag the orange RSS button into your News Reader.
 Drag the URL of this page into your News Reader.
 Cut and paste the URL of this page into your News Reader.

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