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  RefView (OS)

Start-Up Guide

Assigners View
October 2024



RefView is another handy rSchoolToday product (integrated with the rSchoolToday Activity Scheduler), conceived to have a completely dedicated site for Assigners and Officials with an in-depth and more comprehensive 'Officials Contracts' application found in the Activity Scheduler (AS). 
With the full version of RefView, both Assigners and Officials are now given separate access to the program, which provides helpful features for assigning Officials to games, viewing and signing contracts, posting news and announcements, generating reports, and a lot more.
This start-up guide will help the Assigners manage their accounts and the functions of the program.
To get started, log into RefView (www.refview.com) as an Assigner using the username and password provided by the Conference Commissioner when you were added to the system.
The Assigner’s account is composed of 5 tabs:
-    News        -    Reports
-    Games     -    Set-Up
-    Officials    -    Help

You will find your profile name and the Log Out button on the top right of the screen.

In the Assigner's View, the 'News' tab is the default screen and consists of two areas: The left side of the page shows the most recent news and announcements posted by the Administrators, and the right one displays the information you share with all your Officials.

The 'Games' tab is where you assign Officials to games. The games displayed here depend on the schedules added in the Activity Scheduler.

Here’s how to assign Officials to Games:    
A.    Select whether to view ‘Conference Games Only’ or ‘Conference + Non-Conference Games’, and click the View Selected Schedules button.
B.    Choose the Conference.
C.    Choose the Activity from the dropdown.
D.    Define the date range, either Season or Month.
E.    Ensure that ‘Yet to be assigned’ is selected.
Note: To assign Officials to the game, you need to define the ‘Jobs & Rates’ for the Activity in the ‘Set-Up’ tab.

After assigning the Officials to the game, click the View/Send button to edit and send the Contracts. 

You can send the contracts by batch using the “Batch Send Contracts” button. Re-send the Contracts that are already sent but not yet returned, using the “Batch Resend Unsigned Contracts” button.

The "Officials" tab allows you to view the list of all Officials by State, manage the My Officials list, and send messages.

Officials Directory - Provides the list of all Officials added to the database per State. You can search for the Official's name or filter by Activity, State, and Region.

My Officials – this tab displays all the Officials you selected to be included in your list.

Filters to Auto-Select My Officials - allows you to search for Officials using the filters and select them to be added to your My Officials list.

Who’s Open - allows you to view and select available Officials for an urgent activity in case of a cancelation/rescheduling or unavailability of another Official.

Message Center - allows you to send messages to your Officials. You can filter by Conference (if the Assigner is involved in several conferences), Date, Week, or Season, and the Activity they are assigned.
There are eight reports available for the Assigners in RefView:

-    Official’s Schedules: Shows the Schedules report of Officials that belong to or work with your Conference/School.
-    Assignment By School or Sport: Shows the past activities that you can narrow down by Date, School, and Activity type (Sport).
-    Assignment Count: Shows the number of assignments per Official. 
-    List Jobs and Fees: Shows the detailed list of jobs and fees paid per activity. 
-    Contracts Report: Shows a list of signed contracts.  
-    Eligibility Status Report: Shows the list of eligible Officials. 
-    Coaches Ratings for Officials: Shows the Coaches' ratings for the Officials from the Activity Scheduler mobile application.

There are four Set-Up Options you can access with your Assigner's permission. Select one from the dropdown menu to manage it.
Coaches Ratings of Officials – This allows you to view the rating system defined by the Conference Commissioner per Activity. Coaches can rate the Officials based on these settings.

Email Notifications – Here, you can set up the notifications you want to receive. Check off the box to receive notifications for "Confirmed Contracts," "Declined Contracts," "Game Changes," or when Officials are removed from Self-Assigned Games.

Assigning and Pay Parameters – You need to define the jobs and number of Officials for the activity, including the fees paid per game, before assigning Officials to games.

After selecting the Conference and School Year, click the Add New button. Select the activity and level from the dropdown, enter the name of the job, and add the number of Officials and fee.

The "View Entire List" button allows the Assigner to view the Officials Activity and Job Report that you can print, email, and download.

My Account – this is where you can view your Account information. It allows you to update your personal details and change your username and password.


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