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RefView (OS)

Start-Up Guide

Officials View
September 2024



Our rSchoolToday experts developed RefView to have a completely dedicated site for Assigners and Officials. RefView is integrated with the Activity Scheduler (AS) and provides a comprehensive "Officials Contract" application.

With RefView, Assigners and Officials have separate access to the program, and this provides them with helpful features to assign Officials to games, view and sign contracts, post news and announcements, generate reports, and a lot more. This Officials View Start-Up guide includes all the tabs (besides the Help Tab which serves as an online tutorial and guide) and the following topics:
  • Officials Login
  • Home Screen
  • Personal Info tab
  • Sports Certification & Preferences
  • My Schedule 
  • Contracts 
  • Self Select
  • My Availability 
  • Directory
  • Payment
Officials Log in 
Officials must be added to the Officials directory by the Assigners, Commissioners, or School Administrators to get their credentials. To log in to RefView as an Official, please visit
https://refview.com. You will be prompted to type in your email address and password.

Home Screen
This is the landing page when you log in to RefView as an Official. The Home tab displays Unpaid Contracts, Contracts Pending, and ePayments for the week.  Here, you can also verify your Certification Expiration Dates, find News and Announcements posted by the Schools, News & Announcements from Assigners that have added you to their Officials list, and Upcoming Events.
RefView now adds a robust Communications Center to each game. Independent Assigners, ADs, Commissioners, and you as an Official can also:  
  • Add Contest Notes to any game – viewable to all involved with the game. 
  • View Notes on that game from others.  All notes are tagged, dated, and display who added each note.
  • Send Emails to the involved Home or Away ADs, Officiating Crew, Assigner, or Commissioner (if different).
  • View past emails sent about this game.
  • View the phone numbers of the officiating crew.

Personal Information
Here, you can update your address, phone numbers, change your PIN or email address, add the necessary information to get paid electronically, etc. Any changes made will immediately update your information for all AD's, Commissioners, and Assigners.

Note: The Social Security Number (SSN) is no longer a required field in the Official's Personal/Payment Information.  We have included a text tip explaining the benefits of adding the SSN to the system.

Sports, Certifications & Preferences
This is part of the My Personal Info tab and shows the Official's Background check (if there is one), Exclusions, and their Sport Certification Status.

My Schedules
In the My Schedule tab, you will find all the Official's Contracts sent to you via email by Assigners or Administrators.  You can view your Schedule by List, Week, or Month View.  We also added a Color-Coding system to help Officials identify, at a glance, the status of the Calendar Games.

Here’s an example of the Month View:
This is the color key:
A. Gray – Events with no changes.
B. Green – Recently updated or rescheduled (labeled with an "R").
C. Red – Canceled events (labeled with a "C").
D. Yellow – Events that need the Official's confirmation due to some changes.

In the Contracts Tab, you can view, approve, or deny contracts you received from Assigners, Commissioners, or Administrators.  You can view Contracts by State, Assigner, or Activity.  You can choose to view them by Month or Season.  Furthermore, you can also Show All, Pending, Accepted, and Declined Contracts.
When you click on View, this is how your Officials Contracts looks:

Self Select
You have the option to Self Select Activities that you want to attend. You can search by State, Assigner, and Activity, and View by Month or Season. The Assigner will Confirm or Deny it.

My Availability 
In the My Availability tab, you can set dates and times you are unavailable. You can choose to block an entire day or only certain time. Also, you can select if only needed for a certain activity.
Note: When a date is set as unavailable in your calendar, it turns blue.
Continue setting up your unavailability. After selecting a date, choose the time and activity you want to be unavailable:
Note: Games that are already assigned and accepted also display in the Current Unavailable Dates list.

In the Directory Tab, you can filter and view all listed Officials from different States and assigned activities.

In the Payment Tab, you will find the Payments you have received and will receive by Period (Month or Season).

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